Monday, May 17, 2010


three times!
three times it is!

1. coffee shop
2. lrt
3. makati

out-of-sight;out-of-mind don't/doesn't apply.

can't complain, for i don't complain if i receive blessings.
i know it won't last. the question is: until when it would last.
i can't take it any longer.
i want to feel very liberated.
i want to explode.

you didn't change, any bit.
the same person that i would fall in love over and over again.
the same person that would never ever ever fall for me.

you're still you when i am no longer me.
i love you.
i love you so much.
i love you so much and it hurts me.

patience it is.
for i am waiting for the right time to come.
and i'll be back.
with all smiles.